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All patterns, designs, and art are property of Quality Llama Products, Inc. Acceptance of orders from this web site or our catalog constitute a contract in which buyer agrees not to duplicate or cause to have duplicated any of the products or art purchased without written consent of Quality Llama Products, Inc. Quality Llama Products, Inc assume no liability for injury or loss due to use of any product on the web site or in our catalog. Please read all labels carefully and if in question, consult your veterinarian.

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  • May 5, 2023New Stall Mats in stockPoly woven mats are perfect for your show stall. Easy to clean and urine drains through the mat to keep the animals clean and dry. Simply sweep off to clean at the show and when you get home hose and brush with warm soapy water for like new look. Folds easily for storage and hauling. Approx 12ft x 9
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