Stall Curtain

Stall Curtain

Plain color Cordura stall curtain is 4 feet tall and 10 feet long and attaches to the stall panels using the grommets in top and bottom. Increases bio-security at the show by keeping animals from sharing kisses through the fence. stock color black other colors by special order allow extra time for colors   Now available are full color stall curtains with your custom picture!  Printed on durable canvas material these curtains can be designed with your farm in mind.  send us camera ready art or let our expert art design team create a curtain just for you.  Send art to

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  • $49.95
    • SKU
      2296 A
    • Weight
      6 lbs
  • Option
    Single black, 3 Pack Plain black, single custom color, 3 pack custom color, Full color printed each
  • color
    any, red special order, royal special order, black, green special order, purple special order, maroon special order

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